sustainable diets middagsselskab mad

Social drivers and barriers to climate-friendly diets

Which drivers and barriers do young Danes encounter when trying to eat a more plant-based and climate-friendly diet? In this project, the Sociological Institute at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with CONCITO and with support from the Velux Foundation, will explore and communicate this.

Food consumption is generally associated with a large climate impact. The aim of the project is therefore to create research-based knowledge about the drivers and barriers for changing to and maintaining more climate-friendly food habits, which can help to promote the green transformation of Danish society. The project will contribute to this through a collaboration between the research partner Sociological Institute, University of Copenhagen and CONCITO as a practice partner.

The project consists of three parts:

  • A large quantitative survey that will map dietary patterns in Denmark and ask about perceived drivers and barriers to changing food habits
  • A PhD programme that will qualitatively analyse the same subject area among young people.
  • A change project that will use the knowledge from the first two sub-projects to bring about change in the eating habits of young students and investigate the potential for scaling up the experience gained from this.

All three sub-projects will be disseminated through different platforms and in a final synthesis report. Professor Bente Halkier, Department of Sociology, KU is the overall project manager. The project runs from January 2020 to the end of 2022.

Generelt set er vores fødevareforbrug forbundet med en stor klimabelastning. Danskernes madvaner bevæger sig i den rigtige retning, men tempoet er langt lavere, end der er behov for.
Unges madvaner forsidefoto
Behavior, Food
Ny CONCITO-rapport viser, at danskernes og de unges madvaner er under forandring. Men de bevæger sig ikke så markant i en grøn retning, som der er behov for.
Program Manager, GRO SELV (maternity leave)
Program Director, Climate Embassy