New White Paper: the climate impact of Danish consumption must be significantly reduced

As Denmark's territorial emissions are reduced, the emissions that occur outside Denmark's borders, as a result of our consumption, will make up a relatively large share of our total climate footprint.

Therefore, there is a growing need for these emissions to be addressed and reduced. Whereas the climate change agenda in recent decades has focused on energy systems and actions far from the citizens' everyday lives, the next phase will involve a number of decisions close to the citizens' everyday lives. Decisions that need to be taken by citizens in their communities, by workplaces and civil society organisations, and by authorities and politicians in municipalities, regions, and parliament.

DeltagerDanmark's and CONCITO's recommendation on reduction targets for Denmark's consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions is therefore:

To create the framework for the next crucial phase of climate action, both Christiansborg and the country's city councils should, as an indicative target, aim for a halving of emissions from Danish consumption by 2030 - or a 60% reduction by 2035 - compared to the level in 2020.

With the goal of having the next phase of Denmark's transition towards sustainability to succeed in a democratic and equitable manner, it requires deep and broad public participation with both national and local action-promoting conversations, activities and communities.

The purpose of this white paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the relevant decision-making processes and available instruments. Drawing on the latest practical experience and research, it introduces a holistic approach to sustainable transformation, involving shared responsibility for action and committed collaboration in partnerships.

English summary: 

Appendix (Danish):

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Charlotte Louise Jensen
Senior Advisor, Food and Consumption